Saturday, April 28, 2012

Packing for baby

We are getting ready for an upcoming trip and packing for baby has been... interesting. First of all, I started picking out outfits over a month ago in my excitement and now four of them don't fit. We also have to pack all of her diapers as we have opted not to leave the resort we are staying at. Which means lugging 70 diapers and 120 wipes with us. Awesome.

I used to be an over-packer, but have since learned to go with less. However the first trip with baby has me reverting back to my old ways when it comes to the Babe's stuff. I also want to be sure that I have all the supplies I would need in case of: fever, allergic reaction, sun coverage, rain coverage, hats if it's hot, a sleep sack if it's cold, and everything in between. Because heaven forbid I do laundry for the week - I will be on vacation!

We're taking the stroller, the Ergo and a pop-up tent for the Babe's lounging and sleeping pleasure, opting to leave the carseat in the car. We bought the bulkhead seats for the plane and have requested a pack 'n play in our hotel room.

My A-type personality has come shining through and I have embraced my hyper-organized ways.

~ H

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